We just want to make the news official: We are expecting another baby! For those of you who are as shocked by this news as my family, it was a surprise to us too, but we will gladly take it!
I am 15 weeks along, and things are going well. I have been on moderate bed rest from the time I found out, so my house is looking lovely, LOL! Wayne is actually doing a pretty good job of keeping up with the inside and the outside chores, especially considering the fact that he hates doing inside work. He would always disappear when his mom was dividing out the chores. They would find him outside chopping wood or doing some other outside work. He is a real trooper, and I am so grateful for to have his complete support. Bradley is 9 now, and he is also a huge help.
I have had 3 ultrasounds already and am scheduled for another this week. I was fortunate that my doctor agreed to let me have my cerclage done a little earlier than he normally would. Usually they wait to put the stitches in after week 13, but I was able to get it done at 11 weeks. That was a huge relief to us!
We are very excited about this wonderful surprise. We are of course nervous because of my history, but we will do our best to have faith that all will work out for the best. Our favorite way to put it is that we are cautiously optimistic about things working out.
We don't know what we are having yet, and we can honestly say we will be thrilled either way. I'll keep everyone up to date on any news we have. Just pray that we don't have a repeat of last time. We don't really want another 23 week preemie.