Saturday, March 28, 2009

2nd grade program

Bradley's 2nd grade program was so much fun this year. They sang songs all about the weather and the seasons. They sand everything from Here Comes Suzy Snowflake for winter to Go You Chicken Fat Go for summer. There were kids wearing swimsuits, snowsuits, and everything in between.

Bradley had a part in the song Oh What Do You Do In The Summertime. He and the girls by him are fishing. Fishing was the fist thing they do in summer and then they had to freeze while the other kids did their actions. It was pretty funny to watch him choose a really cool freeze position. It was some weird, and very unnatural pose. He had a lot of fun.

The boy in the orange shirt and blue jacket is Bradley's good friend Jex. He lives just up the hill from us. They have a lot of fun together, which is why they are no longer sitting next to each othe in class. They tend to be a little chatty when they are together.

What a cute kid!!
Okay, this had nothing to do with Bradley's program, it was just really pretty so I had to share it. This was the dessert I made for Valentine's Day. It was a 2 layer chocolate cake with chocolate raspberry filling, and a raspberry sauce to drizzle over it when it was served. It was an experiment that turned out pretty darn good I think.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Looks like a fun program! Kristen had her "Utah" program last week, too. That dessert really did look good.